Ear Infections Longview Tx: What To Know About Adult Ear Infections

Ear infections in Longview TX are extremely painful and are the cause of many hours of sleepless nights and crying for a great many infants and toddlers. Since the majority of children pass out of the chronic ear infection phase when they’re very young, few of them have memories of the pain that can be caused by an ear infection. As adults, when an ear infection occurs, we become acutely aware of just how bad they can be and how important it is to seek medical help for pain relief as quickly as possible.

Types of Ear Infections in Adults

â–¸ Otitis Externa is an infection of the outer ear that’s also called ‘swimmer’s ear’ because is it fairly common among swimmers. It is the result of contaminated water entering the outer ear where bacteria from the water can grow and thrive in the warm, moist outer ear area.

â–¸ Otitis Media is an infection of the middle ear and is most common in children because of the shape and size of their Eustachian tubes – the tubes that run from the ear canal to the back of the throat. However, adults whose Eustachian tubes are blocked can develop middle ear infections. Blockages can result from swelling in the nose and throat caused by allergies, colds or sinus infections. Infections can also be caused by sticking foreign objects, like Q-tips or car keys, into the ear.

Symptoms of Ear Infections

â–¸ Symptoms of Otitis Externa include ear redness, itchiness inside the ear, flaking of the skin on the ear, pus-like drainage from the ear, pain when the ear is touched and fever.

â–¸ Symptoms of Otitis Media include ear pain, fever, drainage from the ear, a feeling of pressure inside the ear, hearing loss and balance problems.

Treatment of Ear Infections

â–¸ Swimmer’s ear infections in Longview TX are usually treated with antibiotic drops. Depending on the severity of the infection, your physician may clean pus and debris from the ear.

â–¸ Middle ear infections in adults are normally treated with oral antibiotics; however, chronic ear infections caused by enlarged structures like turbinates, tiny bones inside the nose, or by nasal polyps may have to be treated surgically to remove the causal element.

Prevention of Ear Infections

â–¸ To prevent outer ear infections, use earplugs before swimming or bathing and try gently drying your ear with a blow dryer set to cool. Don’t insert foreign objects into your ears and avoid swimming in polluted or standing water.

â–¸ To prevent middle ear infections, avoid cigarette smoke, which can irritate nasal and oral tissue, take a decongestant if you have a cold or if you plan on getting on an airplane and avoid cleaning your ear with Q-tips. Instead, use Debrox or other over-the-counter solutions for moving wax out of the ear gently with a peroxide solution.

If you have chronic ear infections in Longview TX or you have an acute ear infection that is causing you pain, come and see us at East Texas Sinus and Dizziness Center. For an appointment, call (903) 212-4399 or visit us online to fill out our online contact form.

Ear Infections Longview TX

East Texas Sinus and Dizziness Center

901 Pegues Pl.

Longview, Texas 75601

(920) 569-0325

Article Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/ears-hearing/ear-infections-longview-tx-what-to-know-about-adult-ear-infections
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Exercises For Abdominal Muscles I will list just a few of the limitless possibilities for developing six pack abs

After a few internet searches, I was surprised by complete lack of general knowledge about the many, many exercises for abdominal muscles. There are way more possibilities than just simple crunches. In this article, I will list just a few of the limitless possibilities for developing six pack abs.

Weighted crunches- Simply doing crunches with a weight on your chest. It works will with weight plates.

Twisting crunches- Twist your midsection as you do a crunch. Lift your opposing knee at the same time for added difficulty.

Russian crunches- Like twisting crunches except you do not match up the two motions. Twist rapidly back and forth while doing crunching at a slower rhythm. Works best on a decline.

Knee tucks- While either hanging from a roman chair(the thing with a medicine ball back) or a pull up bar, pull in your knees to your chest. The important thing is to use your abs to slightly lift your you hips at the top of the movement. You can also do "hop tucks" which are the same thing but at the top of a jump-these teach you to be more explosive which is good for developing lower abs.

Leg raises- While hanging from a pull up bar, keep your legs straight and lift them up in front of you. For added difficulty, hold a medicine ball between your feet. You can also go all the way up and touch your toes to the bar if you have the flexibility for it.

Medicine ball twists-While standing, hold a relatively heavy medicine ball in front of you and twist from side to side using your obliques

Side bends- Hold a dumbbell to your side. Dip down to that side and , using your obliques, pull yourself back up. Take some time to learn the "feel" of these.

These are all the exercises you will ever need to develop your abs to perfection. Just for fun, here are some more advanced ones:

Dragon flags- Hang onto a bench and, keeping your everything below your rib cage stiff, pull your lower body up into the air while balancing on your shoulder blades. Go down until your legs are parallel with the ground and pull yourself back up again.

Human flags- Hold onto a pole or any vertical apparatus that applies and lift your legs off the ground sideways using your obliques.

Overhead tosses- Grab something heavy and chuck it over your head as hard as you can! Make sure to pull it forward using your abs.

These last three are more extreme exercises and are not for everyone but can yield some very impressive results in a short time! The first two are impossible to a beginner and the third can get you injured from inexperience so do not attempt them until you feel like you have passed the beginner stages.

So there you go! A bunch of exercises that cover everything from upper ab to oblique development! I hope you find this information useful!

Article Source: http://www.streetarticles.com/health-and-fitness/exercises-for-abdominal-muscles
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