Con la Tarjeta PAYONEER de débito Internacional MasterCard®, podrás retirar tu dinero en Paypal, desde cualquier cajero automático ATM o bien comprar en cualquier comercio que acepten MasterCard®.

El envio de la tarjeta es totalmente gratis  y tiene un costo anual de $29.95 dolares , que se cobran  en el momento que  tengas saldo suficiente en tu cuenta  payoneer.

Te recomiendo solicitarla a traves del programa de referidos que actualmente otorga 25 dolares de regalo, para activaciones nuevas, que se acreditan cuando comenzas a usar la tarjeta  y llegue a los $100 dolares depositados,

Tambien te ofrece la oportunidad de ganar dinero con ella, registrandote en su programa de referidos , por cada persona que invites y se registre por tu invitacion, le daran a el y a ti $25 dolares.

Si no puede retirar el dinero que tiene en sus cuentas de PayPal, porque no tiene una cuenta bancaria, ni tarjeta de crédito o bien estas tarjetas están con restricciones, debido a las nuevas normas adoptadas por el gobierno Argentino  o Venezolano ... Payoneer, es la solución.

Para poder retirar tu dinero de Paypal, lo primero que debes hacer es  regístrarte en Payoneer, para obtener una tarjeta de Débito MasterCard® internacional  y una cuenta bancaria virtual de los Estados Unidos (US Payment Service).

El US Payment Service, es una solución para tarjeta-habientes Payoneer alrededor del mundo, que reciben pagos de compañías de USA, a cambio de trabajos que realizan en línea, como freelancing, redes de afiliados, Amazon/eBay sellers, desarrollo de apps, fotografía de stock, y más.

Este servicio le proporciona a los tarjeta-habientes Payoneer un número de cuenta y de ruta de USA, que sólo puede ser utilizado para recibir fondos a través de transferencias ACH/ depósitos directos de compañías selectas. Todos los pagos recibidos son luego cargados directamente a la tarjeta Payoneer, que puede ser utilizada alrededor del mundo donde se acepte MasterCard®.

El registro es muy sencillo, el envió de la tarjeta es GRATIS, te llega a tu hogar por correo normal en 25 días aproximadamente o bien, si la quieres recibir de manera más rápida puedes pedirla por DHL a un costo de $60 dólares.


La tarjeta Payoneer solo tiene un costo de mantención de $29 dólares al año, para poder pasar tu dinero de PayPal a payoneer ,tendrás que solicitar el US Payment Services, podrás hacerlo 10 días después de que te registres, cuando te llegue un email ,donde podrás aplicar para este servicio ,Payoneer te pedirá algunos datos ,como el envió de un escaneo de tu DNI ,Pasaporte o alguna identificación y respondas un pequeño cuestionario diciendo como ganas o piensas ganar dinero en internet (En el cuestionario no se pueden usar ni comas , acentos ,  "Ñ" , ni ningun otro caracter especial), una vez hecho esto tendrás una cuenta bancaria virtual en USA , sin las limitaciones de las regulaciones Argentinas o de Venezuela por ejemplo.

Luego de tener aprobado el US Payment Services , recibida nuestra tarjeta y con nuestro dinero en la cuenta Payoneer, podemos retirar el dinero según nuestras necesidades o posibilidades:

Puedes retirar tus fondos desde un cajero ATM , como cualquier tarjeta MasterCard , se puede retirar en dolares o en moneda local ,segun el pais .

Los costos de retiro incluyen las comisiones de Payoneer($3.15 dólares más 1% por retiro), tambien la comision por el uso del cajero automático(varia según el banco al que pertenece el cajero , algunos  no cobran esta comisión)

Comprar con la tarjeta , esta libre de comisiones y solo se te debitara  de tu cuenta el costo de los productos que compres, puedes comprar  por ejemplo : supermercados, en tiendas comerciales, cines, Restaurantes o en tiendas de internet , con  esto evitar perder  dinero  con las comisiones  por extracciones  en los cajeros.

CONSEJO: Regístrate ya, para que la recibas cuanto antes en tu hogar, totalmente gratis y si  decides no usarla, no te preocupes no tendrá ningun  costo para ti.

Payoneer, es la mejor alternativa, para llevar tu dinero de PayPal a tu bolsillo, así que regístrate no pierdas más tiempo.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Skype Traductor, Microsoft Research cambiará la comunicación como digitales

Comunicarse con un socio extranjero, cada uno hablando su lenguaje y ser traducidos en tiempo real. Y 'este es el futuro de Skype, que pronto se convertirá en un verdadero traductor en tiempo real capaz de reducir las distancias y las barreras del idioma. Una importante novedad, que en el transcurso de la conferencia en la capital de Canadá ha sido presentado por Satya Nadella en persona, el nuevo CEO de Microsoft.

Junto al público intrigado por la novedad, ha lanzado un vídeo en tiempo real con Diana Heinrich, un empleado de Microsoft de origen alemán. Los dos conversaron todo el mundo en su lengua materna, Inglés y alemán, y el resultado fue sorprendente: un diálogo real que parecía traducido por un intérprete humano, pero que en realidad estaba dirigido por el potente sistema de computación en nube de Redmond, capaz de entender lo que se está diciendo, traducirlo y pronunciarlo, acompañado de los subtítulos traducidos.

"Entre los artilugios futuristas en la clásica serie de televisión Star Trek" - dice el sitio web es  Microsoft Research  -  "nadie parecía más útil que el traductor universal, un dispositivo de mano que ha ayudado a promover el entendimiento entre la civilización intergaláctica. Bueno, no tenemos que viajar más allá del sistema solar para identificar la necesidad de un dispositivo de este tipo. Imagine que es capaz de hablar Inglés y tener sus pensamientos expresados ​​en gramatical y semánticamente correcto mandarín o español. Así que imagino que la voz que expresa esos pensamientos traducidos es tuyo ".

En la versión actual de la nueva aplicación, que todavía hoy se encuentra en pre-beta, los idiomas sólo soportados son Alemán e Inglés, pero los rumores son muy cercanas a Microsoft adelantado que una primera versión beta de Skype Traductor podría ser emitido dentro de la A finales de 2014, en un principio a todos los usuarios de Windows 8, con una base de datos lingüística más amplia, a continuación, llegó a la Mac y iOS Smartphone, Android y Windows Phone.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Ya se puede reclamar ‘el derecho al olvido’ en Google

Dos semanas después de que el Tribunal Europeo reconociera el derecho de los ciudadanos a retirar datos de carácter personal en Internet, Google ha decidido poner los medios para que puedan ejercerlo y hacer así efectivo el llamado “derecho al olvido”. La compañía ha diseñado unformulario web a través del cual se podrá solicitar la eliminación de los resultados del buscador cuando un usuario introduce su nombre, según ha anunciado este viernes. Cada petición será analizada de forma individual y la decisión que adopte la multinacional intentará encontrar un equilibrio entre el derecho de privacidad y el derecho a conocer y difundir información.
Si determinadas búsquedas son de interés público (por ejemplo, una noticia sobre estafas financieras, negligencias profesionales, condenas penales o comportamientos públicos de funcionarios poco ejemplares) deberá ponderarse si prevalece el derecho de los ciudadanos a la información. El Tribunal Europeo consideró que solo se suprimirán aquellos datos que resulten lesivos para el usuario y sean irrelevantes y que hasta ahora estaban obligados a vivir eternamente en Internet. Informaciones banales que sean claramente dañinas podrán permanecer ocultas a los ojos de los demás. Eso no significa que se reescriba la historia o se alteren las hemerotecas.
La Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD), que durante varios años ha reclamado a Google que activara mecanismos para garantizar la vida privada de los ciudadanos, celebra que el buscador haya puesto en marcha una herramienta “para comunicar y resolver las eventuales lesiones de sus derechos causadas por el buscador al difundir información personal sin ninguna relevancia ni interés público”, según ha señalado el director de la AEPD, José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez. Este organismo, que vela por el respeto a la privacidad, ha tramitado alrededor de 220 reclamaciones. Recurridas por Google ante la Audiencia Nacional, estaban pendientes del fallo del Tribunal de Luxemburgo.
 “La sentencia obliga a Google a hacer juicios difíciles sobre el derecho del individuo a ser olvidado y el derecho público a saber”, dice Google. Para conjugar ambos, la compañía ha constituido un comité asesor de expertos. Su misión será clarificar en qué casos los ciudadanos podrán reclamar que se borren sus datos de carácter personal. Han de ser irrelevantes y carecer de interés público, tal y como especificaba el Tribunal Europeo en su sentencia. Este comité estará liderado por el presidente de la compañía, Eric Schmidt, y en él participarán desde el director de Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, hasta académicos y representantes de los organismos reguladores de protección de datos de los países europeos. Entre ellos figura el exdirector de la AEPD José Luis Piñar, actualmente catedrático de Derecho Administrativo y vicerrector de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad San Pablo (CEU); además de Frank La Rue, relator especial de la ONU para la protección del derecho a la libertad de expresión; Luciano Floridi, profesor de Filosofía y Ética de la Universidad de Oxford, y Peggy Valcke, de la Universidad de Lovaina. Floridi ha comentado que este comité consultivo internacional creado para evaluar los problemas éticos y jurídicos que plantea Internet requerirá “un pensamiento profundo”.
Google asegura que su intención es trabajar de cerca con las autoridades de protección de datos de los distintos países para “implementar” el borrado de enlaces. El usuario deberá indicar si considera que los resultados de búsqueda que incluyen su nombre son “inadecuados, no pertinentes o ya no pertinentes, o excesivos desde el punto de vista de los fines para los que fueron tratados.
Desde un punto de vista técnico, Google reconoce una cierta complejidad al tener que trabajar en muchos idiomas. “Confiamos en que sea un proceso ágil”, afirma una portavoz la compañía, consciente de que con el tiempo “se irá refinando el procedimiento”. Sin embargo, considera que es pronto para determinar en qué plazos se atenderán y se resolverán las peticiones. “Hay que comprobar que los formularios hayan sido completados correctamente. Además, habrá que informar a las autoridades de protección de datos y estar coordinados con la web de origen”, explican fuentes de la compañía.
De hecho, la AEPD recuerda que el procedimiento a seguir pasa, en primer lugar, por dirigirse a quien está tratando sus datos y si este no atiende la petición, el afectado podrá acudir a la agencia para que revise su caso. Este organismo evaluará si la reclamación se atiende o se desestima y se dirigirá a los responsables para que se supriman determinados enlaces.
El cuestionario de Google deberá rellenarse con el nombre completo para el que se solicita que se retiren los resultados de búsqueda y los enlaces asociados que se desean suprimir. Para poder evaluar las peticiones Google solicita que se indique la URL (que se puede encontrar en la barra del navegador). Además, se deberá explicar -en el caso de que existan dudas- los motivos por los que la página enlazada se refiere al usuario en cuestión, y por qué esos contenidos son irrelevantes o resultan obsoletos. La compañía exige que el interesado se identifique mediante un documento con foto (DNI, permiso de conducir) para verificar la identidad de la persona que reclama la supresión de enlaces. Pretende evitar así solicitudes fraudulentas o las de aquellas personas que suplanten el nombre de otras para perjudicarlas o para remover información legal con el único objetivo de perjudicarlas.
Borrar la información obsoleta, como en su día reclamó el abogado Mario Costeja, que fue el detonante de la sentencia del Tribunal de Luxemburgo, será posible, al menos en Google. Otros buscadores deberán establecer igualmente mecanismos para que los usuarios puedan reclamar también salir de Internet.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

How do you make your profile picture is always better with the application of camera 360

There is no doubt that everyone wants to modify your favorite picture and make it a great photo and beautiful, and there are also wanting the amendment to images captured his lens to become professional photographs, there is no doubt that these things require expertise and professionalism in dealing with some programs.
Like so many applications were issued for both Android and is, and systems that help you edit your photos in a professional manner, but most applications are either non-free or have low efficiency.

To avoid all these problems and obstacles faced by some, even without having a smart phone or a designer photography and you have experience in this field, you can edit your photos in a professional match and each according to his creativity.

Everyone loved the application permission camera360 offers you all these advantages and thus directly online without the need to download and install programs or other disturbing and a pioneer in this area and has more than 100 million users.

Just enter the site
In the first visit with you to the site, you will need to wait a bit to load the application, but will have to wait next time.

You'll find some samples below the site as you can see in the picture below, simply pass the mouse button to see the difference between the true image and this gives you an initial overview of how powerful the effects.

Press the upload button to upload your image and then modify as you like
Or click on effects to show you the wonderful combination of effects do not need only the push of a button and then click on apply to apply to the image, for example the effect used in the image above is the Magic Skin which can filter face professionally and you can see the effects Guide by clicking here.
One of the most important characteristics of this application is that it allows you to cut the image as you want through the Crop feature, and you can return back as major programs, and finally we come to save your work by clicking on save and share where you can publish directly to Facebook or Twitter by clicking on the share or you can download directly to your computer by clicking on save.
And there are a host of other features will help you to make your favorite photos, for example, a wonderful and attractive your profile picture, and this is an example of a profile to a friend on Facebook you modified, each according to his creativity!

The application is available to all users of Ios or android or windows phone.

That's all, I hope that I have helped you make your photos more attractive and beautiful! You can share them by putting in a comment to stand out to the reader how effective Web application camera360.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Was officially announced Galaxy S5 in Mobile World Congress 2014

Aloquaouial and a lot of news lately on the subject of new smart phone Samsung Galaxy S5, especially Regarding the exterior design and the techniques employed in addition to the official date of the revelations and marketing, we have been waiting for some confirmation from Samsung which is finally achieved.
Verification came from (Dong-Hoon Chang), head of the designs in the Samsung, where the latter said that the disclosure of new smart phone for Samsung will be on the sidelines of the effectiveness of the Conference (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona, ​​Spain at the end of next February.
New permit from the head unit designs in Samsung newspaper article Korean (news 24) where he confirmed Dong-Hoon Chang that the news published on the Galaxy S5 many of them close to the accuracy, especially with regard to the design and techniques employed in the new Smartphone, and here we must recall News spread that the most important in this regard,
Where he is expected to come in two trims Galaxy S5 of the first and second metallic plastic ,in addition , many of the reports talk about the fact that the Galaxy S5 will be Bluetooth enabled identification device Albiomitrah just as iPhone 5s technology provider to identify fingerprints fingers.The Latest News talks about the fact that the Galaxy S5 will come AMOLED curved screen measuring 5.25 inches.
After the statement Dong-Hoon Chang, what we only wait for late next month to learn about the latest innovations of Samsung represented in the Galaxy S5.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...


La tarde de este lunes, tres niños de entre 5 y 6 años resultaron gravemente heridos tras caer al suelo luego de que un brincolín inflable saliera volando por el cielo en South Glen Falls, Nueva York.

Un testigo del incidente manifiesta que cuando los niños saltaban en su brincolin, una ráfaga de viento lo elevó hasta alcanzar aproximadamente 15 metros de altura.
“Fue como una película de horror” manifestó Taylor Seymour.

los oficiales encargados de atender la tragedia, indicaron que los niños cayeron al llegar a la altura de aproximadamente 4.5 metros, uno de ellos cayó sobre un auto estacionado y el otro sobre el asfalto y una niña màs alcanzó a salir de èl sin recibir fuertes golpes mientras que el castillo seguía elevándose hasta sobre pasar el edificio en el que se encontraba minutos antes.

Hasta el momento, los menores se encuentran recibiendo atención en un hospital de su localidad.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

TRUCO Cómo Ganar Dinero Fácil Por Internet!!! - Produce U$593 en 1 Hora

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Cómo se puede ganar dinero por internet 2014 GRATIS, FÁCIL, RÁPIDO y 100% SEGURO.

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Excelente video de Como Ganar Dinero Por Internet Facil y Gratis

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Video Ganar Dinero dando "Me Gusta" en FaceBook

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Video Como Ganar Dinero en Facebook en 3 Pasos

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Como Ganar Dinero Fácil y Rapido Por Internet - Las Mejores 3 Maneras de...

Como Ganar Dinero Facil y Rapido por Internet, hagan clic aquihttp://www.mastermarketingconsultants...

Hola amigos aca Enzo, en este video les voy a compartir 3 maneras mas superiores para ganar dinero facil y rapido en el internet.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Video Cómo ganar dinero en YouTube | Tubetorial 1

Este video me gusto mucho te explica como puedes ganar dinero real en youtube
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

5 Steps To Perfect Hair

Your hair is your crowning glory. Look after it and it will shine for all the world to see. You don’t always need expensive treatments, or visits to a hair salon to manage your hair professionally. There’s so much you can do yourself.

1. For shiny, healthy hair think first of your body’s intake. Your hair is really just a reflection of what you are inside. A good balanced, nutritious and healthy diet will do more to make your hair shine than any shampoo or conditioner. And drink eight to ten glasses of water a day too; hair is 25% water, so don’t let yours go thirsty!

2. Dry your hair after washing in the ambient temperature of your room after using an absorbent towel to soak up the excess moisture, but don’t rub hard. If possible, don’t use blow-drying, flat irons, curling irons or hot rollers. Artificial heating will leave your hair brittle and damaged in time. Be natural whenever you can.

3. Prevent unnecessary hair damage by using the right kind of hairbrush. Only comb wet hair with a wide-tooth comb, combing from end to root, but avoiding touching the root. Detangling wet hair with a hard steel comb can create a lot of damage, so don’t!

4. Remove trichoptlosis, or split ends, like this: take small sections of your hair and carefully twist them in a gentle downward motion. The split ends will stick out. Using sharp scissors, carefully cut into the twisted section, but not right through, to remove the damaged cuticles and leave a natural layered look. Cut roughly the same amount from each twist to balance the effect.

5. Hair loss can be slowed, or even reversed by applying a few simple tips, though they probably won’t cure an underlying condition. Biotin can help to regenerate hair follicles: blend bananas with honey, yoghurt and low-fat milk, and drink it daily. Supplements such as Vitamin B6, zinc and saw palmetto will help too, but eliminating stress and getting plenty of sleep may work just as well.

We are all obsessed with our hair, whether we are 9 or 90, male or female. Look after yourself first and foremost and your hair will reflect that care and attention. The Biblical Samson’s strength lay in his fine flowing hair. Your hair reflects your strength too.


Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

5 Simple Tips To Fix 5 Mistakes We Almost All Make When We Put On Makeup

Have you ever been putting on your makeup and when everything is going well, you suddenly make a mistake that ruins all of your effort? Have you had to take off your makeup some time because, without meaning to, you’ve ruined your makeup? Surely you have; it happens to all of us.

In this article, you will find five of the most common mistakes and the best tips to quickly fix them without having to take off all of your makeup…

We hope you’ll like them and that they’ll help you easily improve your personal image…

This is a very common mistake that we all make when we put on makeup. If you are totally made up, to take off any excess foundation, do the following:

• Lightly moisten a clean sponge with water (the sponge should be almost dry and without any makeup residue) and sponge all of your face with downward movements.

TIP: It’s very important, most of all, to avoid excess foundation and concealer around the eyes. To eliminate any excess in this area, perform the same step and afterwards use your fingertips to softly blur the product in that area.


If you’ve put on too much eyeshadow, or it looks too dark, follow these steps to quickly fix the problem:

• If it happened on your upper eyelid, blur the eyeshadow toward the edges with a clean brush to reduce the color. If it still looks very dark, apply a little bit of matte cream eyeshadow with a brush (if you don’t have cream eyeshadow, you can use translucent powder) and blur the eyeshadow.

• If it happened on the lower part of your eye, use a fine, clean brush to blur, or pat it softly with a Q-tip.

• If as you were blurring, you’ve left the contour of the eyelid and the shadow looks very dark, blur it with a clean sponge and afterwards apply a little bit of foundation, patting lightly to fix the foundation.

If you applied too much blush, try the following tip:

• Stroke your cheek with a thick, loose powder bush—the brush should be completely clean. If you still have too much blush on, apply translucent or clear powder with the same brush, just over the blush. That way the two powders should mix, clarifying the original color.

When we put too much makeup on our eyebrows, we look harsh and we can’t even recognize ourselves. Follow the following tip to quickly solve this:

• Simply brush the eyebrow with a clean Q-tip, going against the grain of your eyebrow. You will see how quickly the color you initially applied disappears.

That’s all right. Just follow these next steps and you’ll see how you can quickly fix the problem:

• Continue applying makeup and when you have finished, allowing enough time for the mascara to dry, apply a Q-tip right over the smudge. You’ll see how it quickly disappears and you don’t need to remove the makeup from your whole eye.

TIP: A good trick to avoid smudging yourself is applying makeup first to your inferior eyelashes and then to the superior.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

5 Myths About Rhinoplasty – Revisited

With rhinoplasy being the second most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in 2004 (according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons), nose surgery is moving from the realm of the rich and famous into the homes of regular people like you and me. Now that this procedure is more accessible than ever, it’s only natural that you will be exposed to a lot of information about it – some true, some doubtful, some downright false. In this article, we’ll try to address some of the most popular misconceptions surrounding rhinoplasty.

1. Every plastic surgeon can do a rhinoplasty surgery – Technically, yes. Most plastic surgeons will have rhinoplasty on their list of performed procedures.  However, that doesn’t mean that every plastic surgeon can achieve good rhinoplasty results. Rhinoplasty is a challenging procedure, both from a medical and an artistic point of view. A plastic surgeon must have a thorough understanding of the internal anatomy of the nose and the workings of the respiratory system, so that the reshaped nose is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also fully functional. Since the nose is such a major factor in our face’s overall appearance, the plastic surgeon also needs to have a strong sense of artistry, to create a nose that fits beautifully with the rest of the patient’s face.

2. Rhinoplasty is motivated by vanity  – Despite the widely-held belief that people get nose surgery solely for cosmetic reasons, it’s not uncommon for this procedure to correct breathing problems (e.g. a septum deviation) in addition to enhancing the appearance of the nose. At the same time, it has been established that in patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their nose, having rhinoplasty may lead to a physical and emotional transformation that will enhance their self-confidence and ultimately their quality of life. From this perspective, the effect of rhinoplasty is comparable more to a therapeutic treatment than a selfish gratification for the patient’s vanity.

3. Rhinoplasty is painful – Unlike other plastic surgery procedures like breast implants or tummy tuck, rhinoplasty is not usually painful. Most surgeons perform rhinoplasty under general anesthesia, so you will be fully asleep and will not feel a thing. After the surgery, you will have a small nose cast for 7 to 10 days, during which you will most likely feel congested, as if having a cold. The area around your nose and eyes may be swollen and bruised (especially if your nasal bones have been reshaped); however, the overall discomfort you will experience after the surgery is minimal.

4. Everyone will notice you had a nose job – If your nose requires a major change – like removing a large bump – people around you might indeed notice the difference in your nose. However, if your nose needs only a refinement of the bridge or tip, chances are the perceived change in your appearance will be less dramatic than you anticipate. After all, nobody is as intimately familiar with your facial features as you are, so making a minor change to them may not be very obvious to the outside world. Also, keep in mind that a good surgeon will avoid providing you with an “operated-looking nose”, and instead will strive to achieve a balance between your reshaped nose and the rest of your facial features, so they naturally complement each other.

5. Rhinoplasty will get you the nose of your dreams – While having rhinoplasty can dramatically improve the appearance of your nose, there are certain limitations to what a plastic surgeon can do, based on your given bone and skin structure. At the same time, there is a chance that you won’t be fully satisfied with the results of your surgery. Statistics show that between 10% and 15% of rhinoplasty surgeries require a secondary procedure, to either enhance or correct the results of the first. This is sometimes due to the nose healing and developing in ways that the surgeon cannot predict or control. In other cases, the patients’ dissatisfaction with the final results is due to poor communication with the doctor about the intended outcome of the surgery. However, this occurrence is an exception rather than the rule, since most patients report to be happier with their physical appearance after the surgery than before.

So what is the key to successfully achieving the nose of your dreams? Going back to point one – it’s carefully researching, selecting and communicating with your surgeon! How long has he or she been performing nose surgeries? What is their surgical accreditation? What does their safety record look like? Take a good luck at images of his or her rhinoplasty patients – does their reshaped nose measure up to your idea of beauty? Can you picture your own nose looking like that? If you do, the next step consists in ensuring that both you and your surgeon have a very clear understanding of what you expect your nose to look like and what is attainable from a medical point of view. Armed with good knowledge and a positive attitude, you’re on your best way to achieving a more attractive and confident YOU!

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

5 Reasons To Keep Your Beauty Salon Reservation

Life is hectic; it’s true. There are so many things that demand your time and attention. Between work, kids, family and household chores, there is precious little time left over for you. So, it is completely understandable why things like salon reservations get pushed to the end of your priority list. But is it at the end of the “to do” list where your next hair trim belongs?

The answer to that question is, of course, no. There are many reasons why you should keep your salon reservation. Aside from taking a little bit of time and relaxation for yourself, which I know is not going to motivate you since all of your energy goes toward enriching the lives of others and not your own, there are many practical reasons why you should not call and cancel your next reservation.

Here are 5 Reasons:

1. Keeping up with hair maintenance saves you time. You know how it is, your hair is doing just fine until that fateful morning on which you realize that your hair is way past due for a trim. It just won’t do anything. So, after hours of trying to coerce your hair into the style that it held beautifully just yesterday you resign yourself to the fact that nothing except a haircut will fix your bad hair day. But we all know that a spur-of-the-moment haircut is hard to come by. That means that you will spend the next week or so wasting time trying to style your overgrown locks while waiting for your reservation. Only if you would have kept your original reservation. You see, getting a regular trim, even if you think you can squeeze by another week or two, prevents this mess from happening in the first place. A cut that is the perfect length and shape will be a breeze to style in the mornings, and that will save you time.

2. Keeping your reservation saves you money. If your stylist has regular opportunities to keep your hair in tip top shape, he or she will have to do less in the long run to keep you looking beautiful. If you continually let your style grow out or let your color fade, your stylist will have to do more work to bring your wayward tresses back in line again. More work equals more time, and we all know that time equals money.

3. There is never a better time than today to get your hair done. Sure, we all think that we’ll have more time next week, that our work load will be less than it is today. But does that ever really happen? Let’s face it; next week will be just as busy as this week. And when you’re busy, a little bit of R & R will give you the energy that you need to keep going.

4. Another reservation is weeks away. Why do you go to your stylist? It’s because he or she is a fantastic stylist and knows your hair inside and out. Well, if your stylist is this great with you, I’m sure there are other clients dying for your stylist’s services. If you miss this reservation, it could be weeks before you get another one.

5. Keep your reservation out of respect. When you make a reservation, your stylist carves out time from a hectic day to cater to you. If you don’t show or cancel at the last minute, your stylist will end up sitting around making no money when he or she could have filled that time slot with another guest. Canceling reservations repeatedly may cause you to be placed on a pay in advance or last minute reservation list. Or even in some cases you can get fired for missing too many reservations.

Granted, sometimes things happen that make canceling an appointment a necessity. When this is the case, be sure to give a minimum 24 business hours and reschedule as soon as you can. Not only will your stylist thank you, but your hair will as well.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

4 Tips on How to Treat Adult Acne

Lots of people are unaware of the fact that adult acne exists and they seem not to know how to treat adult acne. People have this misconception that acne only happens during teenage years and gradually wears off as they age. For most people, this fact may be true but it is important to note that acne does not start during teenage years only. However, it is important to note that there are a significant number of adults that experience such condition.

There are lots of reasons why a person develops adult acne. But, it is important to take note that majority of the people that suffers from this condition are those who also experienced acne problems during their teens. It is also important to remember that the treatment for this is not the same when you were in your teens since your skin is already different from how it used to be. Because of this, here are some tips on how to treat adult acne.

1.    First, buy a reputable over the counter acne treatment product. OTC products could easily treat mild acne breakouts. Nowadays, there are lots of acne treatments that are available in the market. But, you need to be aware if the product is safe to use or not. Some products were proven ineffective and might have harsh elements that could further damage your skin. If you were afraid to buy random products, it would be best to consult your dermatologist. This will ensure that the product suits your skin type as well. Or, you may ask for recommendations from friends and family members who encountered a similar case of acne like yours. Or, you may do your own research on the product’s way of how to treat adult acne.

2.    Second, for serious breakout and if OTC products do not seem to work undergo cosmetic procedures in a reputable derma clinic. Cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing are some of the common procedures how to treat adult acne. Keep in mind that these procedures should be done using clean materials so it would be best to visit a reputable clinic.

3.    Third, never squeeze your acne! A lot of adults have this desire to squeeze or prick their zits on their own which could cause further damage due to scars. Never ever do that because squeezing will only push the infection deep into the skin.

4.    Fourth, eat healthy foods. In order to flush away toxins that could cause acne, you need to drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that well-hydrated skin has better chances to rejuvenate rather than dry skin. Also, try to live a healthy lifestyle by having a well-rested body. Keep in mind that stress is one of the causes of acne as well so it really pays if you get your eight-hours worth of sleep per day.

There are other tips that could help how to treat adult acne but these are some of the basic things that you need to follow. Try one tip after the other and surely, you will be able to find something that will work for you.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

4 Simple Methods to Clear Up Acne Scars

Acne scars can be a major inconvenience to anybody as it gives the idea of a bad skin complexion and sometimes causes a blow to one’s self confidence. That’s why it is important to understand and know the different ways of treating and clearing up scars left by acne. Here you will understand the different methods of getting rid of acne scars. Hopefully in the end your acne scars will be a thing of the past and you may have more good news to your skin’s health.

Aside from expensive acne scars treatment method which are found to be effective but not in the financial reach of most of the population, it is important to know that there are also some natural and much cheaper remedies in getting rid of acne scars. These are acne scars treatment methods that you can use to treat your acne scars right at the convenience of your home.

Natural acne scar treatment is the best solution method especially for those who possess a sensitive skin because natural treatment doesn’t create side effects or rashes that may further destroy your sensitive skin.

1. One of the leading methods of clearing acne scars is the use of oatmeal cleanser. It helps eliminate other skin defect like blackheads and also help in the effective removal of acne scars. The oatmeal method consists of a mixture of rose water and an oatmeal powder; together they will form a paste that you can apply over the areas of your skin affected by the acne scars.

After applying it allow for about fifteen minutes to pass then afterwards rinse it with cold water, this process allows the oatmeal to close all existing skin pores and helps clear up a lot of your existing acne scars. To see the best kind of results you should do this everyday.

2. Another leading acne scar treatment option is the use of honey. Considered as one of the best natural remedy for acne scars, honey plays a great role in defeating bacteria that actually causes acnes. After cleaning your skin, you can then apply honey to the affected part of your skin. Wait after ten minutes before rinsing it with clean water.

3. Others include applying lotions and gels that are available at leading pharmacies and are highly recommended by professionals. The most important thing to remember when dealing with acne scars is that you should be patient with one kind of treatment and use it until the remnants of acne scars are completely taken care of.

4. Other well known acne scar treatment is the use of the process called laser resurfacing. It’s a process that involves a laser being applied to the affected skin and with that it will kill the bacteria that forms the acne scars. This can take from a number of minutes until an hour or so and usually takes between 2 to 10 days before the skin to heal completely.

Remember there are now a lot of ways to clear acne scars. Just be patient in looking for a method that can fit your needs.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

4 Necessary Steps You Should Take When Thinking About Getting A Tattoo!

Obviously there is some concern about getting a tattoo because when you get a tattoo, you risk getting an infection, pain and wonder about the possibilities of infectious diseases. The process needs to be better understood.

1. Can I Get Infectious Diseases From Tattoo Needles?

There has been some concern recently regarding transmittable diseases (particularly Hepatitis-B and AIDS [HIV]) and tattoo shops. Just as in a dentist's office, as long as the area is strictly sanitized, your chances for infection will be greatly reduced.

2. Can I Get Aids From Tattooing?

When needles are passed from IDU to IDU and reused without sterilization, some of that blood remains in the syringe and is passed on to the next user. If infected blood is passed, the recipient can become infected with HIV, which leads to AIDS.

Tattooing is VERY different from injecting drugs. The needles used in
tattooing are not hollow. They do, however, travel back and forth
through a hollow tube that acts as an ink reservoir. The tip of the tube is dipped into the ink, which draws a little into the tube.

3. Can My Tattoo's Get Infected?

Not as long as you take care of your new tat. There is a section in the Ebook that covers healing methods in depth. Some people have trouble healing tattoos with colors they are allergic to.

4. What Are Some Bad Things For My New Tattoo?

Once it is healed, there is very little that will screw up a tattoo. The one exception is prolonged exposure to sunlight. (the other is scarring, but that is patently obvious).

Well, unfortunately it is. The newer inks are better at resisting fading
but whatever you do, if you spend lots of time in bright sunlight your
tats will fade (over a lifetime, not over a week). Best to try and keep
them out of bright sunlight.

No one wants to become a cave dweller just to keep their tats looking good, so just use some common sense. Think of your tat as an investment--slather on that sunblock so it doesn't turn into a dark blob.

Tattoo art has become very popular and people are getting tattoo's for lots of reasons. Taking good steps in choosing the right tattoo, getting it applied properly and with the proper care is probably the most important things to consider when thinking about getting a tattoo. Read all you can about tattoo art safety and when you're ready to get your tattoo, you will feel much better about your decision!

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

3 easy steps to get that perfect tan using self tanning sprays

Traditional tanning methods have become less popular these days because of major health risks. Because of this major finding in tanning several companies have provided tanning creams, lotions and spray to get a tanned skin even without the help of tanning beds or the sun. Most people prefer this type of artificial tanning since there is no significant health risk and the only damage a person may get from them is if their skins are too sensitive and the application may cause some allergy.

Among these innovations the one that is gaining the most popularity is the self tanning spray. This easy to use product is sprayed evenly on the skin and then all you have to do is wait for it to dry. Tanning products contain a chemical called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This chemical acts an agent that triggers the amino acids in the skin to produce a great tan. Tanning products has been recognized by many as safe and effective and does not produce the great risk that traditional and tanning beds have. Applying a tanning spray is pretty easy, but there are some things that you need to know to achieve that perfect even tan. Here are five things that you should remember when you apply one.

Prepare your skin

Before you apply a tanning spray, make sure that your skin can handle the formulation. Read the instructions carefully and then apply a small amount of the spray in your body and wait for any allergic reactions or discoloration. In this way you can check the quality of the tanning spray and you reduce the risk of hurting your skin.

It is best that you remove all the dead skin cells in your body so that the spray will be more effective. The reason behind is that tanning sprays usually “stick” to the outer layer of your skin. So if your dead skin cells are still in your body, they will be ones that gets tanned, and your tan will not last long. Aside from this, healthy skin cells are very receptive to the tannig sprays and would hold them longer. Scrub your whole body using a loofah or any other scrub and make sure that you exfoliate your whole body especially the exposed parts.

Aside from scrubbing your body, be sure to apply a moisturizer a few hours before you apply your tanning spray. This softens your skin and it becomes more receptive, therefore making your tan last longer and absorbing it better.

Application strategies

Wear dark clothing because the spray sometimes discolors them. Aside from this, make sure that you have a pair of gloves that you can use to avoid discoloration in your hands. Although some prefer to use their hands to evenly apply the spray. Just be sure that you wash your hands right away after application to avoid further discoloration.

When you start spraying your body be sure to apply the tanning spray evenly. Prepare a towel or tissue to wipe off drips and make sure that you apply the spray in covered areas like the back of your ears to achieve and even color.

Final reminders

Make sure that you have evenly applied the spray, and make necessary adjustments if you find any discoloration. Stand still for about a minute to avoid dripping and uneven application. It is crucial that you do not move especially your joints since these areas can easily remove the application. Be sure to follow the instructions given in your kit and do not forget to apply a sun screen when you go out. Most tanning sprays contain a sun screen protection formula but it is best to apply it separately to ensure safety.

These three steps will give you that perfect tan you have been dreaming about. Just be sure to follow these reminders and all you have to do next is to find that perfect clothing that goes with your new tanned look.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

3 Ways to Increase HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Amounts in Your Body

HGH has been touted lately for it’s anti-aging possibilities.  The amount of HGH in our body peaks in our early 20’s and goes down drastically from that point.  Many people are rejuvenating themselves, and swearing by the results, by increasing HGH into their system

There are three delivery systems that add HGH into the system: homeopathic sublingual sprays, pharmaceutical injections, or pills that stimulate the release of HGH from the pituitary gland. With all three choices the goal is the same: to raise the measurable IGF-1 levels in the body in order to gain the youthful benefits. The short discussion below on all three therapies will help you discover which protocol is right for you.

Human Growth Hormone Pills:

When you buy a pill form of HGH you should know right up front that there is no HGH in the product.  Read the ingredients.  There are only stacked amino acids and other assorted stimulants.  Even though the product name might be “HGH Releasor,” or “HGH Precursor,” there is no HGH in the product.  It works by stimulating your Pituitary Gland into producing more HGH.

There’s good news and bad news.  The good news is that it actually works.  The bad news is that it only works for 4-8 weeks.  Then your over-stimulated Pituitary Gland says, “no mas,” and stops being stimulated.  It’s really a terrible tease because just when you start saying to yourself, “hey this is great,” everything shuts down.  Just when you realize what you’ve been missing, you lose it again.

Additionally, I was scared away from this therapy by reports that taking stacked amino “growth hormone pills” can raise cortisol levels in your body, which is extremely unhealthy. So the choice then came down to putting the actual hormone into my body by way of shots or via oral sprays.

Human Growth Hormone Shots:

Almost all the HGH sites will tell you that the cost for shots ranges between $10,000 and $20,000 per year. It doesn’t. You can easily find it available for around $3,000 per year and even lower if you go through Mexican pharmaceuticals. Needles today are very safe and generally painless.

But sticking myself twice a day, twenty days per month, didn’t seem like a routine a healthy person should be doing, no matter how quick and easy it is. Call me squeamish if you like, I don’t care. This might suit some people, and if it does, you can consider going for it. Not me.

Those taking HGH injections should be aware that a few problems have been reported with “high” or “over” dosages, so anyone using this protocol would be wise to be clinically monitored on a regular basis by a physician.

HGH Oral Spray:

So the HGH spray option was the one I chose, especially considering the fact that I didn’t know if the product would deliver what retailers were claiming. It seemed to be the most benign, risk free, gentle, therapy that produced excellent results, and was reasonably priced between $500 and $1250 per year.

The amounts of herbal and nutritional contents listed on a product label can be most misleading. What’s important is not the nutritional content listed on the label, but rather how much of that nutrient is actually absorbed into the cells of the body.  Sprays provide excellent absorption when micro-sized beads or droplets of a nutrient are taken into the body through the tissue lining of the mouth or nose. Blood capillaries are extremely close to the surface in these areas and readily absorb HGH into the bloodstream. The flow of absorbed nutrients from this area of the mouth is to the Carotid Artery, then to the brain, and then on to the heart within 22 to 30 seconds. Within minutes, it is totally dispersed throughout the body.

As far as which spray is the best, it’s my belief that if and when independent clinical trials are made of all the spray products they will all basically be close in effectiveness. They all contain the same amounts of Somatrophin (Human Growth Hormone). Some add a little bit of female this, some add a little bit of male that. I chose the one I thought was most homeopathically prepared because I knew more care would have been taken in its manufacturing and it would probably be more gentle on my system.

Learn as much as you can about Human Growth Hormone and make your own decision about which way you want to go. No matter what age you begin taking HGH you will enjoy the results.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Your Skin Antioxidants for a Glowing Complexion

Although there is no conclusive proof that antioxidants keep skin from aging, experts do agree they have the ability to ‘capture’ free radicals and may protect us from certain diseases. Antioxidant-rich foods can also give us a healthier, glowing complexion.

According to Susan M. Kleiner, R.D., Ph.D, a Seattle-based nutritionist, eating foods rich in antioxidants is best. “There’s no substitute for getting nutrients through food. The body absorbs and assimilates them far better than in supplement form.”

Kleiner suggests following the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid, and eating three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruit each day. Choose at least one citrus fruit, such as an orange, a tangerine, or a grapefruit, for vitamin C. To increase beta-carotene intake, eat at least two orange-yellow or leafy green vegetables each day.

<b>Eat Right for Younger Looking Skin</b>

Eating healthy equals younger looking skin. Drinking a cup of orange juice and eating one raw carrot provides twice the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C and beta-carotene. The RDA for vitamin E is harder to meet, especially for those on a low-fat diet.

“Don’t be afraid to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to your diet, or to eat some nuts or seeds,” advises Dr. Kleiner.

The following guideline can be used for RDAs for three of the most common antioxidant nutrients, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene; good sources and how best to maximize benefits of each are included.

Vitamin C:  RDA at least 60 mg. (1/2 cup orange juice = 70 mg.)  Citrus fruits and juices and tomatoes are good sources of vitamin C. Eat whole fruit for extra fiber. Avoid juice in glass containers, and heat-pasteurized juice. Light and heat destroy some of the vitamin C.

Vitamin E:  RDA 8 mg for women / 10 mg. for men (1 tablespoon of canola oil = 9 mg.)  Good sources include nuts, seeds and their oils, fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, and trout, and wheat germ. Use canola, olive, or another vegetable oil in place of butter or margarine when cooking.

Beta-carotene:  no established RDA. Expert Dr. Kleiner, however, recommends 5-6 mg. ( One carrot = 12 mg.)  Orange and yellow vegetables, and leafy green vegetables, including broccoli, are all good sources. Instead of potato chips or popcorn for an evening snack while watching television, opt for prepackaged, washed and peeled baby carrots.

If you feel you are unable to meet the RDAs through diet alone, by all means take an all-in-one antioxidant vitamin supplement a day, but continue to pay attention to rich food sources.


Because many over-the-counter cosmetics containing antioxidants don’t have enough to be totally affective by themselves, it is best to ‘feed’ them to your skin in combination with a healthy, antioxidant rich diet for younger looking skin.

We at Savvy Spa Luxuries care about you and your wellbeing. With proper skin care, a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and ample amounts of water, you can enjoy a more fit body, improved quality of life, increased stamina, and a glowing complexion!

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

3 Benefits Of Home Tanning Beds

Some people love the idea of owning tanning beds. A bed in your home will allow you to tan whenever you want, day or night. You won’t have to drive across town or rush to get to the salon before they close. Although they can be expensive, if you tan regularly, the investment may be well worth the money in the long run.

3 Things to Look for in Tanning Beds

The Style of the Bed
You basically have two choices in the style of your bed: a traditional horizontal bed and a standing booth. Unless you have a room or large space to devote to a horizontal bed, you may want to consider a standing booth. These take up less space in your home and can be placed in a corner. Basically, your preference and the amount of space you have available will dictate this choice.

The Bulbs Used in the Bed

The type of tanning bed bulbs used in a bed are the most important feature. Beds use either UVA and UVB rays or UVA only. There is controversy over which bulbs are safer for your skin. There really is no safe way to tan, and you should take precautions to protect yourself from damage to your skin, regardless of the bulbs used.

You need to know exactly which kinds of bulbs are used in your bed when it is time to replace them. Bulbs aren’t interchangeable and you need to be sure to buy the right ones. Also, look at the placement of the bulbs. How easy will they be to replace? You will most likely be performing this task yourself and you want to be sure it will be easy to do.

Extra Features

The best extra features to look for include a face tanner and a cooling system. The face tanner will help you get the ultimate tan all over your body. These have specially placed bulbs in the facial area that direct light to this area, which is difficult to tan for some people.

A cooling system is important if you get easily over heated inside a bed. The cooling fan will keep your skin from getting too hot. Make sure you don’t overdo it in the bed with this feature. Just because you don’t feel the heat, doesn’t mean you aren’t tanning. Staying in the bed too long contributes to over exposure and can be dangerous for your skin.

Choices in Home Tanning Beds

Most home beds are traditional tan beds. These use typical bulbs that resemble fluorescent tubes. Another choice in beds are known as High Pressure Beds. These use high pressure quartz bulbs, rather than the traditional lamps. They are called high pressure because the gas in the bulb is slightly higher than the pressure in the atmosphere.

These beds allow you to tan on only one side at a time. You will need to turn over half way through your session. Many people find these to be more comfortable than traditional beds. These are normally found in salons, but you may come across one if you shop for used equipment.

Purchasing Used Tanning Beds

A used bed can be an affordable option to an expensive new home bed. In many cases, you can find a high quality bed at the price of a cheap bed. There are some things you should consider before purchasing a new bed:

o Make sure the bed you are considering meets the current federal and state safety regulations. These change often and you want to make sure the bed you buy is safe. A tanning salon owner is a good source of information regarding safety regulations. The internet is another good source of information, as most states post regulations for salon owners.

o Find out how often the bed was used. If it was originally used in a salon, it has probably gotten quite a bit of use. Sometimes beds that have been purchased for home use end up getting very little use. These can be great, giving you a little used bed at a substantially reduced price.

o Compare the price difference of the used bed with a brand new bed. The bigger the difference, the better for you.

o Ask about the working condition and any repairs that have been done. Also ask when the bulbs were last replaced and about the maintenance that has been done. You want a bed that has been properly maintained.

o Ask if there is any time left on the warranty.

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Cual es el mejor segunda base Robinson Cano o Dustin Pedroia

¿Quién le gustaría tener para la próxima década : Robinson Cano o Dustin Pedroia ?

Cano de 30, tiene dos Guantes de Oro y cuatro Bates de Plata y se encuentra a cinco veces All -Star .

Pedroia de 29 años, fue el MVP de 2008, tiene dos Guantes de Oro y un Bate de Plata y es un cuatro veces All -Star.

Los contratos a un lado, ¿quién es el mejor jugador ?

Mientras Cano tiene más poder de jonrones , con un promedio de 24 jonrones por 162 juegos a Pedroia de solo16 jonrones , Pedroia da mas extrabases y duplica los totales de bases robadas de Cano.

Pedroia también tiene un mejor ojo , con un promedio de 68 bases por bolas y sólo 64 ponches por cada 162 juegos. En comparación, los promedios Cano 81 ponches por cada 162 partidos y tiene una tasa de transferencia inferior. Cada uno de ellos mantienen un promedio de 0.300 y un OBP más de 0.355 .

En 949 juegos , Pedroia ha hecho sólo 38 errores, bueno para un porcentaje de fildeo de .991 . En 1293 juegos , Cano tiene 86 errores , dándole un porcentaje .986 . Métricas defensivas más avanzadas consistentemente grado Pedroia como uno de los cinco mejores segunda base defensivo en el juego y no son tan amables con Cano.

Punto Final
Con Cano , se puede esperar un poder increíble y durabilidad que no se ha perdido más de cuatro juegos en una temporada desde 2006 . Con Pedroia , se puede esperar un alto porcentaje de embasarse , gran guante y más de 40 se dobles por año.

Los dos son exelentes , pero si tuviera que elegir uno, me voy con Dustin Pedroia .

¿Qué hay de ti? Comentar más abajo.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Chicas vestidas de Super Heroes Las Heroines de Ian Reyes

Heroines de Ian Reyes

El fotógrafo puertorriqueño ha llamado la atención del mundo con esta serie de fotos que rinden homenaje a los superhéroes.

Cual te gusto mas, para mi todas están bellas

Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Botox Alternativa - Crema Hidratante anti-arrugas que si funciona igual

¿Qué es el Botox ? .

Escuchar al Dr. Andrew Weil (Harvard Medical) Él es Oprah Winfrey y el médico de Larry King y, posiblemente, el médico más respetado en Estados Unidos.

Dr. Weil dice: "El Botox es la toxina botulínica (veneno) y trabaja mediante la paralización de los músculos faciales Sólo funciona durante 3 meses y entonces usted necesita más inyecciones Si demasiado de él se inyecta ( o se inyecta en las áreas equivocadas ) , usted. . puede acabar con los párpados caídos que permanecerán así durante semanas . Otros efectos secundarios son dolores de cabeza , infecciones respiratorias, síntomas parecidos a la gripe , náuseas y dolor en la cara ".

La FDA sólo ha aprobado el Botox para el uso en un área muy limitada (menos del 5 % de la totalidad de su cara) . Esa zona es el poco espacio pequeño donde a veces hay un surco entre sus cejas. No se puede utilizar Botox en CUALQUIER PARTE! . El tratamiento cuesta alrededor de $ 700 por tratamiento y el paciente necesita un tratamiento nuevo cada 90 días !

¿Y si te digo que puede mirar tanto como 20 años más joven, sin necesidad de utilizar el tratamiento de Botox ?

El ingrediente más natural para la crema anti arrugas está hecho de algo llamado " aceite de la UEM " . Este es el mejor aceite de emú refinado triple en el mundo. Y , se añade un ingrediente adicional a ella , mientras que se está realizando en una crema . Este ingrediente adicional es una suspensión de dióxido de silicio nanoprisms superfino ( desde el dióxido de silicio fraccionados) que ha sido " fraccionado " en vez de pulverizada . Eso significa que en lugar de convertirse en escamas cuando se procesa se ​​convierte en miles de millones de microscópicas tridimensionales nanoprisms . Este efecto dura hasta que se lave la cara y se retira el dióxido de silicio invisible , resulta que el aceite de emú es probablemente el mejor ingrediente cosmético en el mundo. Esto se debe a que sus moléculas son mucho más pequeños que las moléculas en la piel humana.

¿Qué es el aceite de emú y cómo su relación con crema para las arrugas ?

El aceite de emú fue descubierto por los aborígenes hace muchos miles de años como un humectante para la piel , antiséptico, y como ayuda en el alivio de las quemaduras solares , dolores musculares y dolor en las articulaciones , así como ayudar en la curación de heridas. El aceite de emú se hace a partir de una gruesa capa de grasa en la parte posterior cediendo 5-7 litros de insaturados , no tóxico , aceite muy penetrante .
Más de diez años de investigación realizada en Global Canyon Ranch (Texas ), ha revelado que el aceite de emú tiene propiedades termodinámicas únicas. Combinado con otros ingredientes , el aceite se puede utilizar para acero inoxidable máquina mucho más rápidamente , por lo tanto, un ahorro considerable en los resultados de trabajo .

La combinación de aceite de emú y nanoprisms puede penetrar a través de siete capas de la piel humana ! Esto hace que sea la mejor crema hidratante en el mundo.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Cuales son los riesgos de la cirugía plástica que debemos conocer antes de someternos a una

Son los riesgos de la cirugía plástica digno de considerar?

Gracias a la televisión y el cine, las personas están hechizados en la creencia de que la cirugía estética es una panacea en cuanto a estética se refiere. Las mujeres a menudo fantasean acerca de cómo mejorar su aspecto por tener un levantamiento de senos o cirugía de aumento de senos. Sin embargo , a pesar de la glorificación de la cirugía estética, cirugía de cualquier tipo tiene riesgos asociados y complicaciones que no pueden pasarse por alto. A pesar de que los resultados pueden parecer atractivas, los pacientes deben tener en cuenta los posibles riesgos . Un trágico incidente , que pone de relieve esta situación paradójica , fue la muerte de Olivia Goldsmith, un novelista que murió de complicaciones de la anestesia durante una cirugía plástica.

Aunque casos como el triste fallecimiento de Olivia son extremadamente raros , el punto es que el paciente debe entender que cualquier cirugía implica un riesgo. La obligación por parte del paciente es asegurarse de que él / ella tiene un conocimiento completo de todos los posibles riesgos y, por tanto , tomar las medidas necesarias para sortear esos peligros . En general , un examen pre-operatorio completo para determinar su candidatura , una cirugía realizada por expertos , y el cuidado post-operatorio adecuado es suficiente para evitar complicaciones más comunes.

Algunas de las complicaciones graves de la cirugía plástica son mala reacción a la anestesia , pérdida excesiva de sangre y coágulos de sangre que pueden bloquear el paso de sangre a través de un vaso sanguíneo - que puede conducir a un derrame cerebral. Estas complicaciones se asocian con los principales procedimientos como la liposucción y la abdominoplastia . Otra posible complicación de la liposucción es la embolia grasa , donde la grasa suelta puede presentar dentro de los pulmones , que puede causar la muerte. Sin embargo , todas estas complicaciones son muy poco probable.

Algunas personas corren un mayor riesgo de sufrir complicaciones de la cirugía plástica . Por ejemplo , fumar, tener ciertos medicamentos como los anticoagulantes , o que tengan una tendencia ancestral de los coágulos de sangre , que lleva a un mayor riesgo de enfrentarse a las complicaciones . En general , la cirugía plástica es un procedimiento seguro y eficaz con una excelente tasa de éxito . Pero como se trata de una cirugía, el paciente debe confirmar por completo su / su candidatura por tener una elaborada discusión con el cirujano , revelando hechos sobre el consumo de drogas , las alergias y el estilo de vida en general .
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Como usar la Miel para embellecer nuestro rostro y piel

Gracias a los baños de leche y miel de Cleopatra , la miel se ha convertido en el favorito de todos y cada uno para ser utilizado en régimen de belleza . Al lado de Cleopatra , había otras bellezas del pasado, que juran por la miel es un ingrediente indispensable en los tratamientos de belleza.

La contaminación , la suciedad y otros agentes químicos en el aire hacen que la piel pierde su capacidad para retener el agua , haciendo que se vea seca, arrugada y el envejecimiento de la persona poco antes. El hidratante natural y propiedades antioxidantes de trampa de miel y sellar la humedad, rejuvenecer la piel , limpiar el cutis , dejándolo suave y flexible.

Miel en su forma más pura es conveniente para la piel , incluso sensibles todos los tipos de piel . Centro de belleza sugieren utilizar la miel en abundancia para cutis radiante . Productos para el cuidado de la piel , como baños, geles de ducha, cremas faciales, lociones para la piel , cremas hidratantes, exfoliantes corporales e incluso productos recién nacidos contienen miel pura .

Trate a su auto con algunos remedios naturales para la piel simples con la miel en su casa -

- ¼ taza de miel a su baño mantiene la piel suave y flexible.
- Piel seca = 1 cucharadita de miel , el aceite vegetal y cada ¼ cucharadita de jugo de limón. Date unas palmaditas en las zonas secas de la piel, dejar actuar durante 10 minutos y enjuagar con agua.
- Hacer una mascarilla hidratante con 1 cucharadita de miel, 1 yema de huevo , ½ cucharadita de aceite de almendras y 1 cucharadita de yogur. Aplicar en la cara , el cuello y otras partes de su cuerpo. Dejar actuar 15 minutos y enjuagar con agua. Usted piel se sentirá hidratada y brillante con poros apretados .
- Para la piel suave como la seda , mezcle ¼ taza de miel y 3 cucharaditas de agua de rosas . Aplicar sobre el rostro , el cuello evitando las zonas sensibles alrededor de los ojos. Masajee bien y enjuague con agua tibia y disfrutar de la sensación de una piel de todos diferentes.

- Abre los poros de la cara , por lugar de un paño humedecido en agua tibia. Miel Smear en la cara durante 20-30 minutos. Enjuagar primero con agua tibia y después con agua fría para cerrar los poros.
- Disfrute de su piel con la pasta de 1 cucharada de miel, 1 clara de huevo , 1 cucharadita de glicerina y la harina. Alise sobre su cara , la garganta , dejando actuar durante 10 minutos y luego lavar con agua tibia. Tu piel se sentirá fresca y rejuvenecida .
- 4 cucharadas de leche entera y 2 cucharadas de miel crea un excelente baño.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

“El me eligió a mi y yo a él, no le puse una pistola” Karen Yapoort sobre ex de Caroline Aquino

Karen Yapoort revela que se siente afortunada cada minuto y cada segundo de su vida, por tener junto a ella al hombre que más ama.
“Esta relación me cayó de sorpresa, hay cosas que tu no eliges, simplemente el destino las tiene preparada para ti, me siento enamorada y muy estable emocionalmente con él”, dijo mientras soltó su risa estrepitosa.

La Cirquera, que sigue en medio de la controversia, luego de que saliera a la luz pública su escandalosa relación con el aún esposo de Caroline Aquino, sostiene que su pareja se encuentra en proceso de divorcio ya que desde el año pasado se separó de la presentadora de “Extremo a extremo”.
“Yo simplemente me aseguré de que no hubiera ninguna relación ni nada pendiente, a él lo conocí soltero. Ahora puedo decir que soy una señora, estoy felizmente viviendo con mi pareja; no soy una querida, no salgo por dinero, no salgo por una noche”, responde con fuerza.
Al preguntársele porqué se le ve a ella como culpable de la separación entre Caroline y su actual compañero sentimental, mantiene que ¡de eso nada!: “Hay personas que saben hacerse las victimas y hay otras que saben enfrentar las cosas como son, ¡yo soy una! Para que una relación se de, debe ser valido por las dos personas; el me eligió a mi y yo a él, no le puse una pistola”, expresó.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Monica Lewinsky rompe el silencio sobre que paso con ex-presidente Bill Clinton

Monica Lewinsky rompe el silencio tras 16 años y asegura que, derivado del escándalo por su relación con el ex presidente estadounidense Bill Clinton, ella fue la primera persona humillada mundialmente a través de internet.

En un escrito para la revista Vanity Fair, la mujer de 40 años relata que cuando la noticia de su relación con Bill Clinton rompió en 1998, se convirtió en la persona más humillada del el mundo y "gracias a  Drudge Report , también fue posiblemente la primera persona cuya humillación mundial fue impulsado por el Internet".

Debido a esa experiencia, Lewinsky busca involucrarse en los esfuerzos en favor de las víctimas de la humillación y el acoso en línea y empezar a hablar sobre este tema en los foros públicos.

Lewinsky escribe que ella sigue siendo reconocido cada día y que su nombre aparece a diario en recortes de prensa y referencias de la cultura pop. También admite que ha perdido la posibilidad de conseguir varios empleos debido al gran escándalo en el que estuvo envuelta.

A 16 años de destapado el escándalo por su amorío con Clinton, la ex becaria de la Casa Blanca reconoce que su relación con el ex presidente fue entre dos adultos y totalmente consensuada y que el abuso del mandatario vino después de estallado el escándalo, cuando el político la convirtió en un chivo expiatorio para salvar su posición en la presidencia.

La historia completa estará disponible el 8 de mayo en la edición digital de la revista.
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

"El desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial puede ser el último logro humano"

Un equipo de físicos, incluido el famoso Stephen Hawking, ha dicho que la creación de IA sería el hito más importante de la historia humana, pero por desgracia, también podría ser el último a menos que aprendamos cómo evitar los riesgos.

Para mucha gente las máquinas inteligentes existen solamente en las novelas y en las películas de  de ciencia ficción. Pero su creación no parece estar tan lejos y para algunos expertos podría ser un error, incluso el peor error de la historia humana, según un reportaje elaborado por el diario 'The Independent' citando a los físicos Stephen Hawking, Stuart Russell, Max Tegmark y Frank Wilczek.

Los científicos están avanzando rápidamente en las investigaciones en lo referente al área de la inteligencia artificial (IA). Los coches sin conductor, un ordenador capaz de ganar el juego intelectual 'Jeopardy!', y los asistentes personales digitales Siri y Cortana son los principales hitos de una carrera armamentista establecida en torno al desarrollo de la IA y acelerada por unas inversiones sin precedentes.

Pero estos logros palidecen ante lo que puede ocurrir en las próximas décadas. Los beneficios potenciales son enormes, ya que todo lo que la civilización ofrece es un producto de la inteligencia humana. El éxito de la creación de IA sería el evento más grande de la historia de la civilización.

Por desgracia, este también podría ser el último logro de la humanidad, advierten los científicos, a menos que aprendamos a evitar los riesgos. Por ejemplo, a corto plazo, los ejércitos del mundo están ya elaborando sistemas de armas autónomas que pueden elegir y eliminar blancos sin necesidad de un control humano. La ONU ya ha abogado por un tratado de prohibición de esas armas. Además la IA puede transformar nuestra economía provocando grandes desigualdades. En realidad, no hay límites fundamentales a lo que se pueda lograr.

No obstante el impacto del uso de IA depende de quién la controla, y a largo plazo, de si se puede controlar en general.

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Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...

Haitiano mata una Haitiana anciana acusada de chupar sangre a sus hijos

Pedernales.- Una anciana de 76 años, resultó muerta de arma blanca y a palos por un compatriota que alegó que esta era bruja y  chupaba a sus dos hijos menores para alimentarse de su sangre.

La víctima fue identificada como Ferdina, quien falleció a consecuencias de heridas y golpes que se la produjo el haitiano Germán Moisés, de 25 años, según las autoridades.

El cadáver de la haitiana fue levantado por parte del Ministerio Publico representado por el licenciado Eleuterio Cuevas Herasme, la médica legista doctora Xiomara Acosta y miembros del Departamento de Investigaciones Criminales de la provincia de Pedernales.

Tanto la víctima como el victimario eran vecinos en la sección Los Tres Charcos de este municipio de Oviedo.

El agresor declaró a las autoridades que mato a la anciana, porque esta era presuntamente bruja y que de madrugada se estaba chupando a sus dos niños uno de tres años y otro de dos meses. 
Noticias Dominicanas de hoy ...